Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Recent artwork

Both kids brought home great drawings from school today!

If you are a Star Wars fan, you will understand Max's:

And Claire has drawn herself deep in thought:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mother's Day Tea

This morning Max's preschool held their annual Mother's Day Tea.  It was a super cute event, complete with lots of happy tears from the moms.  Here's the video:

And here is Max's forced smile when I asked him for a photo after the show!
After the songs, we all had cookies and lemonade on special plates the kids had made. No tea. Oh well.  It was a fun event and the kids were so proud of themselves for making a special occasion for their moms. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Zookeeper Max

This morning Max's preschool opened their zoo!  Every child in the class got to be a zookeeper. They each brought in a favorite stuffed animal and helped to build a habitat for it. Max and his buddy Grayson both brought in a stuffed elephant, so they shared their habitat. They had a watering hole, some hay for bedding, and a fence to keep them in. Here are the happy zookeepers:

Each kid dictated a statement about their animal to their teacher, and those were printed and put in the habitats.  Max's statement is below:

Here's a shot of Max with his elephant: