Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Spring is the best season in the south. It's short and sweet, but absolutely gorgeous!  I took these photos a few days ago, very early in the morning.

This is a camellia called 'Nuccio's Gem'.  I took this photo without the flash. I love the saturated color.

This is the same flower, but I used the flash this time. I love the detail the flash brings out.

A Loropetalum in full bloom.

This graceful blossom belongs to Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily'.

Old fashioned common lilacs don't grow well here, but there are some lilacs that will. This is Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'.
The fragrance is lovely, but it doesn't hold a candle to the common lilac.

This cool plant is a Viburnum macrocephalum, sometimes called a snowball bush. These heads get to be 8 to 12 inches
 across when all the flowers open. Some people think they look like hydrangeas.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lemon Bars

I love a good lemon bar. Actually, I love just about any dessert right now. This pregnancy has brought out my sweet tooth in a big, bad way. So if I read a recipe that sounds even remotely yummy, I want to try it. Or if someone within earshot suggests a food that sounds even remotely yummy, I want to try it.  The other day the volunteers at my local co-op were talking about all the health benefits of wine and grape juice and guess what? I bought some grape juice. It was delicious. But I digress. On to the lemon bars. This recipe comes from Cookies Unlimited, by Nick Malgieri This book is very hit and miss. Some recipes are great, others either don't come out well or are bland. But this one is a winner.

Ultimate Lemon Bars

Butter a 9 x 13 inch pan

Cookie base
16 tablespoons (2 sticks) butter, softened
1/2 cup confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour

Lemon Topping
4 large eggs
2 cups sugar
6 tablespoons strained lemon juice (about two lemon's worth)
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon zest (one lemon makes just the right amount)

Confectioners sugar for finishing

Set a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees.

For the base, in a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter on medium speed. Beat in the confectioners sugar and vanilla and continue beating for a minute or two, until light. Lower the speed and beat in the flour.

Spread the dough over the bottom (and slightly up the sides) of the buttered 13 x 9 pan, using the back of a large metal spoon to smooth it. Bake for about 20-25 minutes, until golden and baked through.

While the base is baking, prepare the topping. Be careful not to over mix the topping, or it will have a course textured foam on the top when baked. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the eggs just to break them up.  Whisk in the sugar, then the lemon juice and zest.

As soon as the base is baked, remove it from the oven and pour on the topping. Immediately return the pan to the oven and continue baking the squares for another 25-30 minutes, or until the topping is set and firm.

Cool on rack until completely cooled.

Dust with confectioners sugar and cut into squares.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Claire's new work

Claire's drawing style is changing- evolving, really. It's fun to watch.

Max's Stitches

If you get queasy easily, please stop reading right now.  For those with strong stomachs, here is a look at Max's stitches without the bandage. As you can see, they don't seem to bother him one bit. In fact, when he first saw his stitches in the mirror, he said "cool!"

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Emotional Roller Coaster

I had my first ultrasound this morning! I was very excited. I dropped Max at preschool and made my way to Anderson for the appointment, about 30 minutes from Max's school. 

Just before my ultrasound was over, my cell phone rang in my purse. I couldn't answer it, of course, since I was on a table having my belly read. Then, one minute later, it rang again. This time I got worried. I finished my ultrasound and checked my missed calls.

One was Joey. The other was an unknown number, but a local one.  I called Joey first and got no answer. Then I called the other number. It was Max's preschool. Max had had an accident on the playground and needed stitches in his head!  They said they had been able to get in touch with Joey and he was on his way. Phew!

I drove back as quickly as I could. I figured they would be at my pediatrician's office, so I headed in that direction. On my way, I spotted Joey's car in the Urgent Care Center parking lot (good thing we drive old and unique vehicles!). I'm so glad I happened to be looking in that direction at the time!  It turned out my pediatrician was out of the office that day. 

When I got inside, Max and Joey were already back in a room but had not seen a doctor yet. Poor Max! He was in shock and a little shaky. He had lost a lot of blood. He was relieved to see me, comforted that both parents were there.

Soon after the doctor came in and switched Max to a different room with better lighting and a better bed.  I wanted to stay, but once they uncovered the wound and I saw it, I started to feel light headed. And then it started to bleed a lot more. Oh no. The doctor sent me to the waiting room. They don't need a pregnant woman fainting on top of everything else. 

I sat there in the waiting room and listened to Max scream and scream. It took Joey and two nurses to hold him down while he was being stitched. I just hope the doctor was able to do a good job and that Max won't scar too badly. Max ended up with nine stitches. Based on the size of the wound, I thought he would have had a lot more. Any scar prevention advice would be greatly appreciated.

After it was all over, Max and I dropped off his antibiotic prescription and went to get some lunch. I let Max pick, as long as the place had a drive through. Luckily, the pharmacy had a drive through, too- I didn't have to get Max out of the car until we got home. 

Once we were home, I changed Max into his jammies and set him up on the sofa to watch a movie of his choice.  I took the photo below while he was watching the movie.

Max's best buddy at school was very worried and dropped by to check on him (with his mom).  He brought Max a big bag full of get well presents and a nice card. All the presents were quiet activities- puzzles, modeling clay, and Legos.  Perfect.  Max was so happy to see his friend and so touched that his friend brought him a get well surprise.  How lucky we are to have such good friends!  

Max during his quiet time this afternoon

Oh yes, and the baby!  The baby was wiggling all over the place during the ultrasound, which I saw as a good sign.  I thought I had been feeling it move for a week or so, and now I see why. The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting the photos as the baby would not be still long enough!  Although she could not tell me anything, I had a good feeling about the baby.  I heard the heartbeat again, and saw all the body parts.  Here are some photos! 

Here you can see its little legs, crossed at the ankle

Full profile

Baby with its hand in front of its face, possibly sucking its thumb?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Max the artist

Until very recently, Max had shown almost no interest in drawing. He had other things to do, like create train wrecks with his toy trains or build lego vehicles. Or ride his bike. Really, anything but drawing. Drawing was Claire's domain.

A few weeks ago, Max checked a book out of his school library that changed all that. The book was full of elaborately drawn mazes- each maze was part of a story about a crime solving kid chasing some robbers.  Max LOVED the book and immediately started drawing mazes!  He always made a start and an end, and wanted me to follow them. This got a little old after a while (some days he'd draw ten mazes in a sitting, some days more).  Here is one of his last mazes, done yesterday:

Well, I guess he finally got tired of drawing mazes because today he started drawing people! And they're wonderful people with lots of fingers and spiky hair!  I just had to share.